
外科病理学实践:诊断过程的初学者指南 | 第18章 胎盘(Placenta)

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  第18章 胎盘(Placenta)

  基本概念(Basic Concepts)

  The gestational sac begins as a spherical structure, with the fetus surrounded by an amnion, a chorion, and placental villi. One surface of the gestational sac implants into the endometrium and becomes the placenta; the villi on the opposite surface degenerate. When you look at placental slides, you can see the layers of the amnion and chorion both in the membrane section (Figure 18.1) and on the fetal surface. In both locations, amnion is on the fetal side, chorion on the maternal side. The two membranes can be peeled apart grossly, because there is no tissue connection between the two.


  外科病理学实践:诊断过程的初学者指南 | 第18章 胎盘(Placenta)

  Figure 18.1. Placental membranes. In the membrane section, you can see amnion (1), an artifactual space (2) between amnion and chorion (3), and underlying decidua (4).

  图18.1 胎膜。胎膜切片中可以看到羊膜(1),羊膜和绒毛膜(3)之间的人为空隙(2),以及下方的蜕膜(4)大佬们都在玩{精选官网网址: www.vip333.Co }值得信任的品牌平台!。

  The villi are fetal structures; they grow downward from the fetal surface in a branching architecture, like the roots of a tree. Vessels and cells inside the villi are fetal. There should not be any maternal vessels in the placenta itself. The spiral arteries of the decidua (endometrium), invaded by trophoblastic cells, spray maternal blood into the space between the villi.


  Immature villi have an open and pale appearance (Figure 18.2); they are large compared with the terminal villi of the full-term placenta (when surface area is most required). They are lined by two cell layers, an outer syncytiotrophoblast and an inner cytotrophoblast layer. Very early villi may have a large intermediate trophoblastic proliferation on the surface, but it should be polar (only on one surface, like Don King’s hair). Circumferential proliferation is suspicious for hydatidiform mole.


  外科病理学实践:诊断过程的初学者指南 | 第18章 胎盘(Placenta)

  Figure 18.2. Immature villi versus terminal villi. (A) Villi at around 8–10 weeks are large in diameter and have a double layer of cells lining the surface (arrow). Tiny fetal capillaries have nucleated red blood cells inside (arrowhead). (B) Taken at the same magnification as A, this shows mature villi at approximately 38 weeks. The villi are much smaller, the fetal capillaries are more prominent, and the cytotrophoblasts have pulled away from the gas-exchange surface into syncytial knots (arrow). Maternal blood and fibrin are visible between villi.

  图18.2 未成熟绒毛与终末绒毛。(A)8-10周左右的绒毛直径较大,表面有双层细胞排列(箭)。微小的胎儿毛细血管内,可见有核红细胞(箭头)。(B)与图A相同的放大倍数,显示约38周的成熟绒毛。绒毛更小,胎儿毛细血管更加明显,细胞滋养细胞被从气体交换表面拉进合胞体结节(箭)。绒毛间可见母血和纤维素。


  外科病理学实践:诊断过程的初学者指南 | 第18章 胎盘(Placenta)

  Mature villi acquire syncytial knots and perivillous fibrin (like hyaline membranes lining the villi). They become tiny—just large enough to hold a few capillaries (see Figure 18.2).


  Twin placentas are divided into categories based on how many cell layers they share. Two separate eggs fertilized by two sperm will always form two separate placentas, although they may mash into each other. With two placentas you will see two chorionic plates and two complete sets of membranes (Figure 18.3); this is called diamnionic-dichorionic (di-di). An ovum that splits very early can also produce two entirely separate placentas, so a di-di placenta may be either monozygotic or dizygotic twins.


  外科病理学实践:诊断过程的初学者指南 | 第18章 胎盘(Placenta)

  Figure 18.3. Twin placentas. (A) In a diamnionic, dichorionic placenta, the dividing membrane is captured here between the arrowheads. Amnion is seen on both surfaces (a), and a double layer of chorion is sandwiched in the middle (c). (B) In a diamnionic, monochorionic placenta, no chorion is present between the layers (arrowheads) of amnion (a).

  图18.3 双胎盘。(A)在双羊膜双绒毛膜胎盘中,在两个箭头之间捕捉到分隔膜。两面都有羊膜(A),双层绒毛膜被夹在中间(C)。(B)在双羊膜单绒毛膜胎盘中,两层羊膜(箭头)之间没有绒毛膜(a)。

  An ovum that splits a little later, after it has already formed a chorion, will produce two separate amnions and two fetuses; this is a diamnionic-monochorionic placenta (di-mo). An even later split produces two fetuses in the same amnionic sac, or monoamnionic-monochorionic (mo-mo). If the split occurs any later than this, conjoined twins will develop.


  切片观察方法(Approach to the Slides)

  脐带(Umbilical Cord)

  In the umbilical cord, look at the vessels on low power (Figure 18.4). There should be two arteries (usually with constricted lumens) and a vein (open lumen, or the mouth on the surreal Mr. Bill faces that are found on the walls of most histology laboratories). The number of vessels is always noted on sign out, because a two-vessel cord often indicates a fetal abnormality.


  外科病理学实践:诊断过程的初学者指南 | 第18章 胎盘(Placenta)

  Figure 18.4. An umbilical cord in cross section, showing two arteries (A) and one vein (V).

  图18.4 脐带横截面,显示两条动脉(A)和一条静脉(V)。

  (译注:Mr. Bill的嘴脸,补充图片如下)

  外科病理学实践:诊断过程的初学者指南 | 第18章 胎盘(Placenta)

  Study the muscular wall of each vessel to look for neutrophils. Umbilical phlebitis, or neutrophils migrating into the vein wall, is an indicator of early funisitis (a fetal inflammatory response). More advanced funisitis involves the arteries (arteritis), and the most severe cases show neutrophils in the Wharton’s jelly (Figure 18.5).


  外科病理学实践:诊断过程的初学者指南 | 第18章 胎盘(Placenta)

  Figure 18.5. Funisitis. Neutrophils (arrowheads) can be seen squeezing through the muscular layer of an umbilical artery (A). This migration is a fetal response to infection.

  图18.5 脐带炎。可以看到中性粒细胞(箭头)挤进脐动脉的肌层(A)。中性粒细胞迁移是胎儿对感染的反应。


  胎膜(Placental Membranes)

  The membrane roll is evaluated for the following:


  外科病理学实践:诊断过程的初学者指南 | 第18章 胎盘(Placenta)

  Figure 18.6. Chorioamnionitis. A collection of neutrophils (pus) has formed between the amnion and chorion (arrow). Neutrophils can also be seen beneath the amnion (arrowhead). Inflammation in the decidua (oval) may be physiologic and is not sufficient to diagnose chorioamnionitis. This is a maternal response to infection.

  图18.6 绒毛膜羊膜炎。羊膜和绒毛膜之间聚积了一群中性粒细胞(脓液)(箭)。羊膜下也有中性粒细胞(箭头)。蜕膜(卵圆形图示)的炎症可能是生理性的,不足以诊断绒毛膜羊膜炎。这是母体对感染的反应。

  Table 18.1. Criteria for staging of acute chorioamnionitis and funisitis

  表18.1 急性绒毛膜羊膜炎和脐带炎的分期标准

  外科病理学实践:诊断过程的初学者指南 | 第18章 胎盘(Placenta)

  Grade 1 = focal disease; grade 2 = extensive disease.


  外科病理学实践:诊断过程的初学者指南 | 第18章 胎盘(Placenta)

  Figure 18.7. Meconiophages between the amnion and chorion, with deposits of brown pigment (arrow-heads).

  图18.7 羊膜和绒毛膜之间的吞噬胎粪的组织细胞(箭头),有棕色色素沉积。

  外科病理学实践:诊断过程的初学者指南 | 第18章 胎盘(Placenta)

  Figure 18.8. Fibrinoid necrosis. The dark pink condensation of the wall of this small artery (arrow) is an early sign of fibrinoid necrosis, which may be seen in preeclampsia.

  图18.8 纤维素样坏死。小动脉壁的深染粉红色浓缩物(箭)是纤维素样坏死的早期迹象,可见于先兆子痫。

  胎儿面(Fetal Surface)

  On the fetal surface, look for the following:


  外科病理学实践:诊断过程的初学者指南 | 第18章 胎盘(Placenta)

  Figure 18.9. Fibrin, subchorionic. Subchorionic deposits of fibrin (arrow) are normal in a term placenta and should not be mistaken for infarct. The amnion lies atop the fetal surface (arrowhead).

  图18.9 绒毛膜下纤维素。纤维素(箭)沉积于绒毛膜下,在足月胎盘是正常的,不要误认为梗死。羊膜位于胎儿面的表面(箭头)。

  Below the fetal surface and above the maternal surface you will find the villi, the massive gas- and nutrient-exchange surface area of the placenta. In very early villi, such as in spontaneous or elective abortion, look for changes suggestive of a hydatidiform mole (Figure 18.10).


  外科病理学实践:诊断过程的初学者指南 | 第18章 胎盘(Placenta)

  Figure 18.10. Molar villi. The villi are markedly enlarged, some with central cavities or cisterns (arrowhead). Dense trophoblastic proliferation is visible (arrow); on higher power, the cells may be very pleomorphic. This is a complete mole, so there are no fetal capillaries within the villi.

  图18.10 葡萄胎绒毛。绒毛明显增大,有些绒毛有中内空腔或中央池(箭头)。可见致密的滋养细胞增生(箭头);高倍镜下,细胞多形性可能非常明显。这是完全性葡萄胎,因此绒毛内没有胎儿毛细血管。

  These changes include large swollen villi with no internal fetal vessels, circumferential and atypical trophoblast proliferation, and lack of fetal parts (in a complete mole). A complete mole is diploid with two paternal genomes and by definition has no fetus. A partial mole is triploid, one maternal and two paternal copies, and has a fetus, as well as two distinct populations of villi: normal and hydropic (edematous). An incidentally discovered early partial mole can be very subtle.

  这些改变包括巨大的水肿绒毛,绒毛间质内没有胎儿血管,非典型滋养细胞环周增生,以及缺乏胎儿成分(完全性葡萄胎)。完全性葡萄胎具有两套父系基因组(二倍体),根据定义没有胎儿。部分性葡萄胎是三倍体(母一父二),有胎儿,并有两群不同的绒毛:正常绒毛和水肿绒毛。偶然发现的早期部分性葡萄胎,形态学表现可能非常轻微大佬们都在玩{精选官网网址: www.vip333.Co }值得信任的品牌平台!。

  In a more mature placenta, such as an obstetric specimen, evaluate the villi for the following:


  外科病理学实践:诊断过程的初学者指南 | 第18章 胎盘(Placenta)

  Figure 18.11. Infarct versus perivillous fibrin. (A) In an infarct, there is loss of basophilia and cellular detail with residual apoptotic bodies, as in coagulative necrosis elsewhere. (B) In a mass of perivillous fibrin, while the low power impression is a sheet of consolidated pink, on high power you can see the villi remain viable, with good nuclear detail.

  图18.11 梗死与绒毛周围纤维素。(A)梗死失去嗜碱性和细胞细节,并有残余的凋亡小体,就像其他部位的凝固性坏死。(B)绒毛周围大量纤维素,低倍印象为一层浓缩的粉红色,高倍可见绒毛仍然存活,具有良好的细胞核细节。

  Hematoma: A large acellular mass of fibrin, complete with lines of Zahn, is evidence of a prior hemorrhage. The hematoma may be subchorionic, intraplacental, or retroplacental (clinical abruption).


  (译注:lines of Zahn,扎恩线,是血栓的特征,粉色为血小板和纤维素,红色为红细胞。补充图片如下)

  外科病理学实践:诊断过程的初学者指南 | 第18章 胎盘(Placenta)

  母体面(Maternal Surface)

  The maternal surface shows a layer of decidua, with implantation site changes. Trophoblasts invade the maternal muscular arteries, dissolving their muscular wall to create wide-open pipes (Figure 18.12). This invasive but normal process leaves behind a fibrinous layer—do not mistake this for fibrinoid necrosis or vasculopathy. True fibrinoid necrosis is best seen on the small maternal vessels in the membrane roll and also has an inflammatory component. However, in the maternal floor, the persistence of muscular arteries is a form of maternal vasculopathy, because it means the trophoblasts did not do their job, and the placenta may be ischemic. This is another component of preeclampsia.


  外科病理学实践:诊断过程的初学者指南 | 第18章 胎盘(Placenta)

  Figure 18.12. Trophoblasts in vessels. Intermediate trophoblasts (arrow) invading the wall of the maternal arteries. This is a normal process, opening fire hoses of blood to supply the placenta.

  图18.12 血管中的滋养细胞。中间滋养细胞(箭)侵入母体动脉壁。这是一个正常的过程,就像打开消防软管,使血液供应胎盘。

  A maternal floor infarct is not really a true infarct but a dense rind of fibrin encasing all of the villi along the maternal surface. Placenta accreta is the implantation of trophoblastic cells directly into myometrium. Histologically you may see placental villi very close to smooth muscle, with no intervening decidua. Accreta is a cause of postpartum hemorrhage. 


  The features of preeclampsia are the following:


  来源:大佬们都在玩{精选官网网址: www.vip333.Co }值得信任的品牌平台!

  The Practice of Surgical Pathology:A Beginner’s Guide to the Diagnostic Process


  Diana Weedman Molavi, MD, PhD

  Sinai Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland

  ISBN: 978-0-387-74485-8 e-ISBN: 978-0-387-74486-5

  Library of Congress Control Number: 2007932936

  © 2008 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC


外科病理学实践:诊断过程的初学者指南 | 第18章 胎盘(Placenta)

外科病理学实践:诊断过程的初学者指南 | 第18章 胎盘(Placenta)


